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Do You Want To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux?

Instant Constipation Relief

Instant Constipation Relief

It's easy to get almost instant, temporary relief from acid reflux. The key word here is temporary, that's because whether you get prescription drugs or over the counter medicines to get rid of acid reflux, the relief is only temporary. Also keep in mind the stronger the drug, the more acid it suppresses but the side effects increase as well.

Although it's not very pleasant, the occasional burning in the chest or throat that many people get is caused by acid and generally nothing to worry about. On the other hand, frequent or constant flare-ups of heartburn may be signs of a more serious problem and is the most common symptom of gastro-esophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD.

Home remedies like vinegar, some say it helps, others warn not to take it, over the counter antacids, doctor prescribed drugs; these are all accessible and even helpful but only for temporary relief. We will discuss these options and then a possible better permanent option as well.

Doctors usually only prescribe drugs

Western medicine doctors are trained in prescribing drugs to alleviate the symptoms. Common prescriptions are calcium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate, aluminum hydroxide, and magnesium salts. There are side effects such as constipation and diarrhea with some of these drugs.

It's unfortunate for us that most doctors simply do not have time or an interest in figuring out dietary solutions for their patients instead of prescribing drugs with known side effects that are only temporary relief at best. So to get rid of acid reflux on a more permanent basis we should be looking at things to eat and what not to eat. Here is a small list of foods that are known to encourage acid reflux:

Deep fried and fatty foods
Spearmint & peppermint
Coffee, regular and decaf
Tea, caffeinated only
Large amounts of alcohol
Chili peppers (spicy food)

Quantity vs quality

Sometimes you can eat some of these foods and be OK because you didn't gorge yourself. Eating smaller meals, especially if some of these foods are included has advantages over eating large meals.

Myth buster

Fruits and vegetables used to be on the doctors orders list of foods to strictly avoid because of their acid content. Now science has discovered the acids they contain are very different from stomach acid so they are actually recommended for a diet which helps with acid reflux.

A fruit which many nutritionists call the new "superfood" is the kiwifruit. It has the most nutrients of any one single fruit and digestive healing benefits as well. As with any digestive problem, look at the big picture and aim to strengthen your entire system which in the long term may make having to get rid of acid reflux a thing of the past.

Take advantage of our independent research and learn more about how to get rid of acid reflux the safe and natural way.

J.M. Ferreira is editor of several websites, the latest shares information based on independent, and thorough research on one of our most important subjects; digestive health.