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Know More About Medication and Constipation Relief
Constipation ReliefThe basic meaning of constipation is hard stools and difficulty to pass them. This happens with poor dietary habits, lack of sufficient fluid intake and acute irritable bowel syndrome conditions. When the stools get hard it is not possible to pass through the passage in the rectum and remains within the intestines causing acute abdominal pain and discomfort due to accumulation. Constipation relief measures are many and should be considered in acute conditions of constipation.
As we get older the bowel movements experience many changes. Normally the bowel movements of adults change between 3 and 21 times a week. Less than 50% of the people have regular changes in their bowel movements limited to one change a day. Talking on medical terms constipation occurs when the bowel movements become infrequent. Neglected constipation can lead to cancer.
If a person suffering from constipation has symptoms like bleeding rectum. Nausea, cramps, vomiting, abdominal pain, involuntary weight loss etc. it should be taken care of with the help of a doctor to avoid the condition worsening and leading to cancer of the colon, or the cervix.
A few simple home remedies to treat constipation can be practiced. The first and the most important home remedy is a proper food intake. A diet rich in protein and fiber and less carbohydrates and fats is the best to stay healthy always. Regular exercise and work outs, enough water instead of aerated beverages, leafy vegetables and plenty of fruits are the natural ways of staying healthy and not having to get constipated.
When simple home remedies do not help in constipation relief the doctor has to be consulted. If you feel severe pain in the abdomen or bloating, too much of straining to pass stools, dry and hard stools, poor bowel movements, a sluggish feeling and flatulence it is better to consult a doctor.
However in certain cases constipation is caused due to hormones like thyroid or parathyroid hormones are capable of raising the calcium level in the blood. During the menstrual periods of a woman the progesterone and estrogen level gets high and as a result constipation occurs. These occurrences are not prolonged and will take care of itself without medication.
Some of the common causes of constipation include poor diet, lack of calcium, pregnancy, inadequate intake of water and poor exercise to the body. Foods like pizzas, hamburgers, fast foods, deep fried foods, meat and dairy products, processed pasta and white bread. Instead of these an increase amount of water, fruits, legumes, vegetables and a required amount of nuts would provide the best constipation relief.
You can now ensure Constipation Relief with the help of some useful medicines. Click here to know more about Constipation Relief
Study Chronic Constipation extra
Constipation can be divided into three categories, by the time it takes to treat the problem. The short-term ones are caused by travel, diet, medication, surgery and other known causes. They mostly correct themselves. The medium-term ones are caused by low-fiber diet, low liquid consumption, lack of exercise, old age, pregnancy, abuse of laxatives and consumption of dehydrating things like caffeine and alcohol. These can be treated with changed in diet, life-style changes and laxatives.
The long-term Constipation, or Chronic Constipation, is caused by serious disorders of the GI tract or other chronic diseases. The GI tract problems include irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal obstruction, colonic inertia, anorectal dysfunction and structural problems like tumors, fissures, hemorrhoids, fistulae and other problems. To diagnose the above problems many tests are used, including barium x-rays, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, colorectal transit study, anorectal function test and defecography.
If no structural obstruction is found in the GI tract, the Chronic Constipation is treated like other less serious ones. Educating the patients about bowel movements, maintaining a high-fiber diet and a lot of liquid intake, avoiding dehydrating substances, exercising and bowel training are the starting treatments, along with bulk-forming laxatives like psyllium and methylcellulose. If the problem persists, more harsh laxatives, such as hyperosmatics or saline, can be tried. Stronger laxatives like anthraquinones, emollients or stimulants are tried next. Biofeedback is a good treatment if the Constipation is caused by outlet inertia.
Surgery should be considered a last resort if no improvements is seen in three to four months of treatment. Abdominal colectomy, ileorectomy and ileoanal pouch are the surgical procedures with a very good chance of relief. Other underlying causes are neurological disorders, metabolic and endocrine problems, diabetes, stroke, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, uremia, hypercalemia, amyloidosis and scleroderma.
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Chronic Constipation
Read through Natural Hemorrhoids Cream much more
Natural Hemorrhoids Cream
Instant Constipation ReliefAlthough embarrassing and uncomfortable, hemorrhoids are a non life threatening, uncomfortable condition that is suffered by many and should be treated as soon as possible to avoid continual pain, irritation and discomfort.
Hermorrhoids are veins that are located in the anal canal (internal hemorrhoids) or rectum (external hemorrhoids). Hemorrhoids can and do become painful when they swell or expand and this is brought on by increased pressure or straining in the anal and rectum areas.
This straining and pressure can occur through obesity and poor diet, resulting in hard stools and constipation, heavy lifting, the strain and pressure of the fetus and childbirth during pregnancy and sitting in the same position for long periods at a time.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids include itchiness around the anus, leakage of blood and pain, especially when passing a stool. Another symptom for external hemorrhoids is a hard painful lump around the anus area.
There are various treatments for hemorrhoids, some more effective, expensive and painful than others. Common treatments include surgery and the rubber band method. A less severe option is applying a natural hemorrhoids cream.
There are some very effective creams that offer instant relief to your suffering and work at reducing hemorrhoids. However, a problem for many sufferers with this option is the thought of physically applying the cream to the effective area by hand!
A real alternative comes in the form of an orally taken capsule. It has the same natural remedial effects of a cream without the mess and difficulty of applying the cream and better still, it comes with a complete satisfaction guarantee to clear up your hemorrhoids and relieve your pain.
If you are suffering from hemorrhoids and want quick relief click hemorrhoids natural treatment [] for more information on an oral natural hemorrhoid cure.
For reviews of the best natural hemorrhoids products and free facts about hemorrhoids, click natural hemorrhoid remedy [] To quickly relieve your pain and safely treat your hemorrhoids in the comfort of your own home.
Read through Yoga for Constipation - Home Remedies for Constipation far more
Yoga is a science. The power of yoga is infinite. Yoga can heal many problems and ailments. There are lots of yoga poses (asana), which help the whole body.
Constipation is a common problem. Everybody in his or her lifetime faces this problem at some point in time. This condition should be treated or else it could lead to many more serious problems. The main problem with constipation is that the stool becomes hard and the person is unable to pass it with ease. Yoga could help a person to overcome constipation. The following asanas have proven to be helpful.
Bhujanghasana: This asana helps in removing constipation, gas and helps in digestion.
Trikonasana: Helps the colon and assists a person to pass stool normally.
Ardha Matsyendrasana: Increases the digestive fire and relieves constipation
Supta Vajrasana: Helps in digestion and relieves constipation
Home remedies for relieving constipation:
Take one glass of milk while going to bed at night, as this helps in passing stool normally in the morning.
Take at least 2 glasses of warm water in the morning and go for a small walk; this would help in relieving constipation.
Taking 2-3 glasses of lemon juice with warm water 2-3 times a day helps lessen constipation.
Taking 1-2 spoons of Aloe gel will relieve you of this condition.
In Ayurveda, triphala churna helps in relieving constipation. It must be taken along with water or milk before going to bed.
In short, do your yoga asanas everyday and relax for a healthy life.
ConstipationPaul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit
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Yoga for Constipation - Home Remedies for Constipation
ConstipationGo through Natural Remedies and Prevention of Constipation far more
Constipation is a problem that affects many Americans every day. Constipation is mainly due to poor eating habits, insufficient exercise, not getting enough fiber and not drinking enough water. Constipation is quite uncomfortable and most everyone knows when they have it. Common symptoms include:
Straining to have a bowel movement
Hard stools - pellet like stools
Not having a bowel movement every day
Not totally emptying your bowels each time you have a movement
If you eat right and adopt a healthy lifestyle, you need not every suffer from constipation, but what can you do in the meantime?
One way to help get things moving is to increase your intake of potassium through eating foods it naturally occurs in. You remember your grandmother telling you to eat prunes to relieve constipation, right? Well that is because prunes are high in potassium!
Potassium works wonders on the walls of the colon and helps to stimulate peristaltic action which makes your bowels move. It also helps to clean out layers of mucus and dried fecal matter that have built up along the colon walls.
Other foods that contain potassium include: tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, kale, sesame seeds, wheat germ, brewers yeast, pineapple and cauliflower.
Another natural remedy for constipation is Aloe. This herb that works so good on your outsides can also help your insides too! Aloe and its cousins buckthorn, frangula and senna have natural laxative chemicals and can be very powerful constipation cures It is recommended you take any of these herbs with caution and not for extended periods of time.
Psyllium has long been used to help relieve symptoms of constipation as it is loaded with soluble fiber. Make sure you take psyllium with lots of water.
Flax seed is used in may packaged products that treat constipation. You can buy the flaxseeds and crush them yourself. Take one or two tablespoons a day with lots of water. You will need to make sure you get at least 8 glasses of water a day when using flax.
Rhubarb has laxative properties and is high in fiber. Since the properties that give it it's laxative qualities are similar to those in senna, this can be very powerful so use with caution!
While using natural remedies for constipation is much better then taking laxatives, the best thing to do is to practice prevention by eating lots of fruits and vegetables, getting adequate exercise and drinking lots of water.
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Natural Remedies and Prevention of Constipation
Go through Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids - What to Look For additional
When you are looking for Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids. You might want to make sure that it is not just a natural ointment to cure them. You should try and find a home hemorrhoid treatment that has a complete plan that address you diet gives you relief and shows you natural ways to cure them from home.
If you are suffering from hemorrhoids then I am sure that you have already tried the pills, ointments, creams, and suppositories. I bet this did not work at all and that is because many of them are not really a form of treatment to actually cure the problem. They are more likely designed to just give you some relief. I can understand that you are very tired of the itching, burning, pain, swelling, and bleeding down there. You might have even been to the doctor and have talked about a surgical form of treatment. But even after surgery there is a huge chance that they can come back. One reason for this is because the root cause of getting them in the first place is still there.
So now your looking for natural remedies for hemorrhoids. But why should you try these when most doctors don't tell you about them. Well its not the doctors fault when they went to medical school holistic medicine wasn't pushed as a main treatment. But if you think about where most medicine comes from, it comes from plant or animal extracts even penicillin came from mold. So with that said it is very possible with the right herbs and the proper diet a natural cure for hemorrhoids is out there.
One thing I like about natural hemorrhoid treatment is the fact that they are 100% natural and are very healthy for you as well. With absolutely no medical side affects. These natural remedies will show you how to strengthen your blood vessels using herbs and home remedies. Plus you will get several different ways to get fast instant pain relief. You will also learn about foods that are bad for you that can cause constipation or hard stools. Information is key to solving any problem.
Instant Constipation ReliefTo learn more about this holistic Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids please visit H Miracle Review Or you can visit my main site Natural Hemorrhoid Cure After all you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids - What to Look For
Read Anal Fissures Treatment & Cure Guide more
Anal Fissures Treatment & Cure Guide
Instant Constipation ReliefAnal fissures are different to piles (hemorrhoids) in that piles are caused by swelling anal cushions within the anal canal (internal piles) or bulges at the anus (external piles.) An anal fissure is, rather, a small cut or tear that has occurred in the skin lining by the anus. They usually cause pain and bleeding, which is very similar to piles. Further symptoms are extreme pain during bowel movement, or blood lining the stool. Some people may avoid going to the toilet because of the pain, which will cause constipation issues, leading to further anal fissure or piles. Some do consider anal fissures as a type of piles, which is not incorrect either.
There are numerous causes of anal fissures, all being either bad bowel habits or excessive strain caused by constipation or rushing a bowel movement, which can cause the tear in the anal lining. However, diarrhea can also be a cause. It's important, therefore, to keep your bowel movements soft by drinking sufficient water and ensuring there is enough fiber in your diet. You may also consider certain vitamins which are helpful in healthy bowel movement.
Anal fissures are divided up into two categories - acute or chronic. Acute anal fissures are caused by altered bowel habits (such as constipation or diarrhea) and are generally quick in healing, especially by using creams, ointments, and ensuring your bowel movements are healthy. Warm baths will also ease the irritation, clean the area, and help for them to heal. Natural creams are usually recommended, as they can be much more effective and well-priced than pharmaceutical ointments. Pharmaceutical medicines and ointments often only soothe the fissures, not heal the problem. Chronic fissures (which usually last for longer than a month) are due to consistent bad bowel habits, scarring, spastic anal sphincter muscles or a medical condition. It is recommended that you see your doctor if you are suffering from chronic anal fissures, although natural remedies and ointments such as the Neo Healar cream work very well even for chronic fissures. The Neo Healar cream goes beyond just soothing the irritation, but heals and repairs the problem. This can be a very effective anal fissure treatment & cure.
If continuous anal fissures occur, your doctor may conclude that internal scarring or muscle spasms are the problem. These anal fissures can be corrected through surgery, however, which usually is a small operation where a portion of the internal anal sphincter muscle is cut. The fissure then is able to heal. The cutting of the muscle very rarely causes any problems with the ability to control bowel movements. Pain of the anal fissure usually disappears within a few days, and complete healing in a few weeks. Most patients (90%) who undergo the surgery have no more problems with anal fissures.
John Lim Cher Sern is an alternative health expert with more than 7 years of experience in natural anal fissures treatment. Please visit for more free information about anal fissure treatment & cure.
Understand Hemorrhoid Homeopathic Treatment - Treating Hemorrhoids With Garlic and Key Lime more
Hemorrhoid Homeopathic Treatment - Treating Hemorrhoids With Garlic and Key Lime
Instant Constipation ReliefIf you've ever suffered from hemorrhoids, you know what an uncomfortable, embarrassing and painful ailment it can be. Hemorrhoids are actually cushions of tissue that are filled with blood vessels where the anus and rectum meets. There are several common factors that can cause hemorrhoids, such as excessive stress and undue pressure on the rectum due to frequent constipation or chronic diarrhea.
Women who are prone to have a problem with water retention during their menstruation may also suffer from hemorrhoids. Hypertension is also a possible factor that can cause hemorrhoids due to the connection between the vena cava (in the wall of the rectum) and the portal vein. In addition, there are also studies that show that obesity is a factor because of increased pressure on the rectal vein.
Get Instant Relief from Hemorrhoids Using Common Herbs
You may have tried other hemorrhoid medicines in the past which usually come in the form of ointments and creams. If you've found them ineffective, or if you want to try an all-natural treatment, then you can start with two common herbs that you probably have access to - garlic and key lime.
The good thing about using all-natural treatments is that there are little or no side effects. In addition, the effectiveness of these herbs in treating hemorrhoids has been tested by time, so you know they are sure to work.
Try Garlic and Key Lime
Garlic (scientific name Allium sativum) has been used since ancient times for both medicinal and culinary purposes. A close relative of the shallot, onion, chive and leek, garlic has a spicy and pungent flavor, and has been proven to have various medicinal properties. One of these is its ability to treat hemorrhoids.
You just need to take a clove of garlic and pound it thoroughly with a pestle or the flat of your kitchen knife. Squeeze the pound garlic in order to get the liquid, and apply this directly to the hemorrhoids. You should begin seeing improvements on your hemorrhoids in only one week, though you may have to continue with this treatment as long as necessary while the hemorrhoid is not fully healed.
Key lime
You can also try to use key lime in treating hemorrhoids. Key lime (scientific name Citrus aurantifolia) is part of the citrus family with its fruit that can range from 2.5 to 5 centimeters in diameter. It is usually picked while it is still green and eaten when it is a ripe yellow.
In order to use key lime, you must take about two to four roots of the key lime tree. Clean it well and boil it in a pot filled with one and one half liters of water. Keep the water boiling until only a liter or so is left of the liquid. Pass the water through a sieve in order to remove the root bits and drink the concoction every evening. You should notice improvements in your hemorrhoids in just a week, although you can continue to drink this until the hemorrhoids are completely gone.
Hemorrhoids can be treated effectively with natural hemorrhoid home cure treatment or herbal remedies. Visit the site and read more articles about hemorrhoid
Read through Constipation - How To Cure It Safely more
Constipation - How To Cure It Safely
ConstipationConstipation defined as the trouble having bowel movements or painful irregular bowel movements - has fast become an extremely typical complaint at the doctor's clinics countrywide.
When you have constipation your stools can be very hard, making them so difficult to pass that you have to strain. Often, you may feel like you still need to have one more bowel movement even though you have had one currently.
More often than not, this problem which is unpleasant, upsetting and a worry is not really talked about that most people are not able to seek recommendations from their physicians with regards to constipation cures. Fortunately, you are able to find the proper constipation remedy or constipation treatment wherever you go; hence avoiding and the treatment of constipation is now less complicated than it used to be.
Every person must find out what will cause irregular and distressing bowel movements. The truth of the matter is, constipation is extremely influenced by your diet and lifestyle - improper dietary habits, the consumption of excessive fried, fast foods, too little water intake, not enough exercise and indigestion of food products.
Diet and lifestyle changes as well as regular exercise are the best treatments for constipation. Here are some safe methods to treat constipation troubles:
Including more fiber to your diet plan is among the many traditional yet the simplest and the more effective therapy to be able to avoid constipation from continuing. Eating foods like bran, raw fruit and vegetables in addition to high fiber cereals can help promote bowels naturally without triggering agonizing constipation symptoms that other laxatives can.
Exercising two to three times each week is usually all you have to take to get rid of slow bowels as exercise can promote healthy intestinal contractions and eliminate constipation.
Drinking more water each day will help passing stool through the intestines. Endeavor to take in at least 8-10 glasses of water each day.
Take a look at your medicines. In the event that you're taking medications check it all out mainly because there are OTC and medications that create constipation like those containing bismuth, iron salts and tranquilizers. Try minimizing the dosage of constipation inducing medicines simply because this will address many drug related episodes.
Consider mineral oil. Mineral oil is a softening agent and can be taken to ease stool out of the body. This has to be taken by using enema and on occasion since it can impede right digestion and absorption of vitamin and minerals.
Take large doses of Vitamin C. Taking 1,000 mg of Vitamin C can help produce bowel movement in 1-5 hours. However those with ulcers should not make use of this approach.
Consuming hot water, tea or coffee might help induce bowel movement. In case you do not drink coffee, better try drinking one cup of coffee upon waking since this helps stimulate bowel movement fast.
Look into natural colon cleansing since this assists take care of bowel movement difficulties, prevents diarrhea, makes you more revitalized, and gives you a much better and healthful feeling.
By means of taking all these steps in mind, you'll definitely avoid constipation, have a clean and healthy colon and experience the benefits of good health.
Having constipation problems? Cannot find the best constipation cure []? Know that the best constipation remedy is simply a combination of regular exercise, dietary and lifestyle modifications.
Study A Herbal Cure to Constipation extra
Constipation is usually associated with three things, the pain in bowel movement and the inability to have bowel movement after a long period of straining in the stool and the absence of bowel movement after several days, which is generally three days or more. However, there is really no clear definition on what would constitute a person suffering from constipation because bathroom patterns vary from one person to the next. For example, on person may have to go to the bathroom every single day, but similarly, another person's routine may involve going to the bathroom only after two days.
Generally though, the person himself will know if he is suffering from constipation if he experiences its symptoms such as irregular and infrequent bowel movement, a sudden decrease in the frequency of the need to go to the bathroom, his bowel still feels quite full even after the passage of stools and the abnormal difficulty in having bowel movements. You should also note that there are various causes of constipation. But in most cases, people suffering from constipation have some similarities with regards to their lifestyle like eating unhealthy food, lack of regular exercise, insufficient amount of fluid in the body because they do not drink enough water and the stress they have to deal with. But other factors can also contribute to constipation. For example, pregnancy can alter your bathroom habits and you may have some difficulty in the passage of stools. Some medical conditions can also prove to have some adverse effects like having difficulties in passing stools.
On the other hand, some people suffer from chronic constipation. This condition is actually very hard to live with because you experience difficulty in your bowel movements every time you go to the bathroom. However, chronic constipation is quite easy to cure if a person is committed to a lifestyle change because more often than not, chronic constipation is a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. Also, you can use some medications such as laxatives that can let you have some relief from this condition.
Meanwhile, you can also try some alternative cures such as herbal medicines because it is proven to help in constipation in some ways. But you should also be careful when choosing herb supplement because like chemical laxative, herb laxatives is also not good for you in the long term if you constantly use it to cure your condition. Also remember that laxatives are generally reserved for people with sever cases of constipation or those looking for an instant relief because of an emergency.
For people experiencing mild constipation, it is better for them to try mineral oils or even the milk of magnesia for them to cure this condition. They can also try the bitter liquid derived from aloe vera, this can be a very powerful laxative if ingested, but this is also not good for long-term use because it can cause a person to have severe and painful cramping. In addition, you should first consult with a healthcare professional before you take any form of medication whether it is herbal or not.
Instant Constipation ReliefMichael Russell Your Independent guide to Constipation
A Herbal Cure to Constipation
Read Constipation - Its Causes and Management a lot more
Constipation is the inability to open the bowel for at least once a day for a minimum of three days, accompanied by the passage of dry, hard, small faeces.
Causes of Constipation
1. Inadequate fibre in diet
2. Inactivity (Sedentary lifestyle)
3. Dehydration
4. Postponement or neglect of the urge to defecate
5. Hypo-motility of the Colon
6. Weakened abdominal muscles
7. Hyper-motility of the Colon (spasm leading to narrowing of the lumen)
8. Systemic conditions such as Congestive cardiac failure, liver cirrhosis, etc.
Signs and symptoms
1. Passage of dry, hard, small faeces
2. Pain on defecation
3. Rectal bleeding
4. Systemic response e.g. Headache, anorexia, coated tongue, flatulence, etc.
Pathophysiology of constipation
Hypomotility of the colon, inadequate fibre in diet or inactivity leads to the absorption of water from the faeces as it moves along the large intestine. The absorption of water makes the faeces small and unable to stimulate the defecation centre. This leads to further absorption from the faeces making it dry, hard and small.
Excessive muscular exertion and strain are required to provide sufficient intra abdominal pressure to propel the hard faeces along the colon to the rectum and out of the body. The hard faeces causes injury to the rectum producing pain and haemorrhage. Pain may further worsen the fear to defecate. Chronic constipation may cause faecal impaction, especially in older patients or those with neurological impairment.
Systemic responses such as headache, anorexia, flatulence, weakness, malaise and coated tongue may result due to prolonged distension of the rectum and anxiety aroused by constipation. Crack in the rectum may result in the passage of blood stained faeces.
1. Diagnosis can be made based on patient's history of diet, activity as well as bowel habit.
2. Proctosigmoidoscopy: Used to rule out other pathological conditions of the colon.
1. Anal fissure: (painful crack in the mucous membrane of the anus)
2. Abdominal hernia
3. Rectal bleeding
4. Faecal impaction
5. Anaemia due to prolonged bleeding
Management of constipation
1. Mild laxative: To increase colonic motility e.g. Dulcolax and liquid paraffin
2. Cathatics: e.g. Milk of magnesia
3. Fruits: e.g. Oranges or vegetables to provide roughage (to stimulate peristalsis)
4. Regulated enema: e.g. Normal saline enema
5. Stool softeners
6. Methyl cellulose: To increase bulk of the diet
7. Exercise: Encourage regular exercise as this usually aids normal defecation
8. Observation: Monitor patient with neurological problem for faecal impaction. Carry out manual removal of impacted faeces if any.
Nursing advice
The nurse should advise the patient in the following areas:
1. Prevention of dehydration
2. Adequate fibre in diet
3. Complete emptying of the bowel any time of defecation
4. Daily or regular moderate exercise
5. Avoidance of indiscriminate use of laxatives or anti-constipation drugs
6. Adequate fluid intake
7. Patient should establish a routine time for defecation.
Joseph Ezie Efoghor is a Registered Nurse with several years of practical experience. He has touched many lives through his style of writing. To get more of his articles, visit
Constipation - Its Causes and Management
Examine Effective Ways of Relieving Constipation Pain far more
Constipation pain is caused by the difficulty of passing hard stools when experiencing irregular bowel evacuation. People get constipated when they lack fluids and fibers in their daily diet. This is also caused by lack of exercise, emotional disturbance and when undergoing medication.
How can one get relief from this discomfort?
There are home remedies that are useful in easing the pain caused by constipation. These are considered natural methods and here are some of them that you may find useful:
• Exercise regularly to help move the food faster in the bowels.
• Sesame seeds are god supplements for roughage and taking half ounce with water will soften the food in the intestine
• Pectin which is helpful in regulating acid levels in the stomach promoting good digestion is found in apple cider vinegar. Drink a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water thrice a day to ease irregular bowel movements.
• Honey is also an effective remedy as it is a natural laxative. It can be taken occasionally with black-strap molasses in equal amounts.
• Every other day you may also add 2 tablespoons of castor oil with your morning milk, this is effective when experiencing chronic bowel difficulties.
• Use of herbs like cumin powder, coriander and asafetida in your cooking helps in easy digestion of foods.
• Orange, tomato and potato juices are also effective cures.
Constipation pain and difficulty in passing stool is observed mostly in people who eat less fiber foods and drink less fluid. Are you one of these people?
Make sure you meet the daily requirement for dietary fibers which is 20 to 35 grams. Having a healthy, rich in fiber diet and drinking plenty of water will give you instant relief when constipated.
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Effective Ways of Relieving Constipation Pain
Understand Best Foods to Help Constipation a lot more
One of the most effective ways to relieve yourself when you're backed up is by eating certain foods to help constipation. There are a lot of different foods out there that can help with this problem but some are much more effective than others. Below, I will discuss different foods to help constipation and what I have found to work the best based on research and real experiences.
Foods High in Fiber: Consuming a diet rich in fiber is probably the most effective way to not only ease constipation, but to prevent it as well. Fiber works by keeping your colon and intestines clean and also makes your stools softer so they are able to pass through your body much easier. The best way to get fiber is to consume green leafy vegetables, fruits, raw nuts, and whole grains.
Some of the best foods to help constipation that fall into the above categories are: Figs, prunes, apricots, papaya, apples, bananas, carrots, berries, beans, asparagus, raw almonds, raw walnuts, and brown rice. If you start incorporating those into your daily diet, you should start to see some noticeable improvement very soon.
While eating the proper foods is good, it's usually not enough. Another very important thing you need to be doing is drinking a lot of water. Water helps by hydrating your body, and when you're hydrated, your waste will be absorbing some of that water which makes it softer and less likely to get stuck. Try to get at the very least, 64 oz of water daily. The more you drink, the better off you will be.
Since we covered foods to help constipation, now I would like to briefly talk about foods you want to avoid so you don't have future problems.
First off, you should avoid fried foods at all costs. Not only are they bad for your health in general, they have been proven to cause constipation. On top of that, you should avoid or limit other foods high in fat. You also want to be careful with soda, alcohol, salt, sugar, coffee, and meat that is not lean.
After reading about all the foods to help constipation and the foods you want to avoid, you should have a good idea on what to do to solve your problem.
ConstipationIf you want to learn more methods for getting rid of constipation, I recommend you check out []
Best Foods to Help Constipation
ConstipationExamine Constipation - How To Prevent It much more
Constipation - How To Prevent It
ConstipationPreventing constipation from happening can be easy and hard. It is really dependent on how weak or strong your digestion system is. If your digestion system is strong, you can prevent constipation with little effort and some changes to your diet. However, if your digestion system is a bit weaker than a normal person, you would have to make big changes to your diet.
What does it mean to have a weak digestion system? Well, let me explain this by telling you what a strong digestion system is like first. A person with a strong digestive system is able to poop everyday regularly even when he or she is on a low fiber diet. As we all know, fiber is an important factor for a healthy colon. However, people with a strong digestive function system does not really need that much fiber in their diet.
Now, a person with a weak digestive function system would be someone who needs about 30 grams of fiber a day in order to poop smoothly. In other words, in order to prevent constipation, you simply need to make some changes to your diet by eating less bad food and more good food.
The question is, what foods can cause constipation and what foods can prevent constipation? The foods that can cause constipation are soft drinks, chocolate, chips, white rice, white bread, McDonald burgers, fries, and others. The foods that can prevent constipation are brown rice, oatmeal, high fiber cereal, potatoes, apples, oranges, dried apricots, broccoli, and many vegetables.
You simply need to eat more food that are good at fighting away constipation. Another great method would be to drink black coffee on an empty stomach in the morning. It will make you poop within twenty minutes. It works almost every time. You have to remember to do it in the morning right after waking up. Otherwise this method would not work as good. And try to drink the coffee as fast as you can. You only need to drink about one or two cups. The bitter the coffee, the better the results you would get.
Ben Liuki is an expert on constipation. If you are constipated and you need help, you should check out his list of constipation remedies on his website. Good luck!
Go through Use Psyllium For Colon Cleansing & Constipation far more
Use Psyllium For Colon Cleansing & Constipation
Constipation ReliefWhat Is Psyllium?
Psyllium is a natural product that is used for colon cleansing, as a cure for constipation and in many detoxification programs. Psyllium is often the active ingredient in many constipation cures.
Psyllium comes from the Plantago Psyllium plant, and its seeds and husks are harvested to create natural remedies for constipation and colon cleansing.
How To Use Psyllium For Colon Cleansing and To Cure Constipation
Psyllium can be taken in tablet form - it is often the active ingredient in many laxatives and constipation remedies. However, the most inexpensive and effective methods of colon cleansing include the ingestion of psyllium in its most natural form - psyllium husks, psyllium seeds and psyllium fiber powder.
Psyllium can be mixed with a pleasant-tasting drink, for example, fruit juice or in a shake to make it easier to ingest.
To help the psyllium to flush out impacted waste from your system and cleanse your colon and relieve constipation, you will need to follow these guidelines:
Drink plenty of fluids with your psyllium - the additional water intake will assist colon cleansing and symptoms of constipation. Increase your level of exercise to activate the psyllium fiber and assist in eliminating constipation and speed up detoxification and colon cleansing. Increase the fiber in your diet and include whole grains, fruits and vegetables to help the psyllium activate colon cleansing and constipation relief.Health Precautions For Taking Psyllium
While psyllium is a natural and powerful aid to colon cleansing, detoxification and constipation, like all natural remedies, must be taken with caution. When using psyllium to cleanse the colon, you need to consider the following:
Inform your doctor and pharmacist if you are allergic to psyllium or any other drugs.Tell your doctor and pharmacist what prescription and non-prescription supplements, drugs and medications you are taking, including vitamins. Psyllium can decrease the effectiveness of other medications and the colon cleansing effect may remove them from your system before they take effect.Let your doctor or pharmacist know if you have any of these health conditions: diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, rectal bleeding, intestinal blockage, or difficulty swallowing.Do not take psyllium if pregnant or breast feeding.Inform your pharmacist or doctor if you have special dietary requirements that may be affected by psyllium or colon cleansing. Do not take psyllium within 3 hours of taking any other medication, as its high fiber content may block the absorption of medications.Do not breathe in psyllium powder.Remember that psyllium is a powerful medication for constipation and should be respected as such. When using psyllium for colon cleansing and detoxification, you need to be aware that its high fiber content can cause temporary bloating as it moves through the digestive tract. Another side effect of the high fiber content in psyllium is flatulence.
To avoid these unfortunate side effects, it's best to take psyllium gradually until your body is used to psyllium. A good dosage to start with is one tablet or one teaspoon of psyllium on the first day, and increasing the amount of psyllium taken each day by half a teaspoon until you achieve the desired colon cleansing or constipation relief.
Other Benefits of Psyllium
Psyllium has been used for centuries as a remedy for constipation, and for colon cleansing, but its other health benefits are starting to become more widespread.
In addition to colon cleansing and constipation relief, psyllium is now being used to lower cholesterol, improve hypertension, and treating diarrhea.
For more information on colon cleansing visit Sara Dakkar is webmaster of which reviews psyllium husks and fiber powder products for the use of colon cleansing, constipation cures and bowel detox.
Read Constipation - Why Exercise And Water Are NOT Giving You Relief - What Most Doctors Do Not Know more
It's so frustrating! You've increased your exercise routine and water intake, but so far, it's not helping your constipation.
Why not? After all, it makes sense that exercise and water would help your digestive system move better.
But the fact is, while exercise and water are vital for overall health, they are unsuccessful as constipation-relievers for more folks than you may imagine.
Before I give you some relieving tips, and tell you how you can learn the biggest mistakes you're making when you eat, let me reveal the real problem.
What's going on?
Constipation is more than just a slow-moving digestive system. It's an issue rooted more deeply, at the cellular level.
The early stages of constipation begin when you do not chew your food thoroughly enough. When you don't chew thoroughly, your saliva doesn't interact with your food long enough to initiate carbohydrate digestion.
You see, digestion begins in the mouth, and saliva is the first step of the digestive process. When you swallow food before it's adequately chewed, you place an extra burden on your stomach and pancreas. This sets the stage for constipation, excessive gas, burping, painful bloating, and a host of other digestive complications.
There's something else happening!
There's a second reason why inadequate chewing leads to constipation- and sadly, it's a reason about which many doctors are ignorant. It has to do with hydrochloric acid production.
Once you swallow your food, your stomach receives "HCl", or Hydrochloric Acid, from your blood. It takes approximately 1 hour for your stomach to receive enough HCl. HCl is extremely acidic, and vitally necessary in the digestive process.
Once the appropriate pH level in the stomach is reached, your body can now accomplish two essential tasks:
1. Protein digestion
2. Mineral absorption
Now, here's the problem: if your digestive process is compromised, then minerals from your food are inadequately absorbed for use in the body. One of these minerals is sodium.
Why is sodium so important? Sodium is a key player in the formation of bile, a substance that allows you to move your bowels smoothly. Perhaps you have heard the term, "bile salts".
If you're not absorbing sodium, your bile will be too thick, and you'll become constipated. The thicker your bile, the worse your constipation!
So, if your stomach is already exhausted and your digestive organs are stressed because you're swallowing your food in chunks, can you be at all surprised that the production of HCl in your stomach is also faulty?
An incredible amount of your stomach's energy is wasted by cleaning up large portions of unchewed food strains. When this occurs, HCl production will be compromised, you will not properly absorb your food's minerals, you will not absorb enough sodium, your bile will be too thick, and you'll become constipated.
So, does this mean you should eat more salt? NO!
Consuming more salt in your diet is NOT the answer. The answer begins with chewing more thoroughly. Without the added burden of digesting big chunks of food, your digestive system will have a better success rate of absorbing the sodium it needs from the food you're already eating.
Your bile will be the correct thickness, and your bowels will move more regularly.
"Besides chewing better, what else can I do to get faster constipation relief?"
Start with these 5 steps:
1. Consume three servings per day of raw, organic fruits and vegetables. They must be raw! Raw produce supplies your body with digestive enzymes necessary to help digest your food.
2. Decrease your intake of red meat, chicken or turkey. Meat is devoid of fiber.
3. Ever heard of "hempseed"? It's a tremendous source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and it keeps your digestive system moving. Add a TBSP into your cereal or smoothies each day. Visit your local health food store- one of the more popular brands is "Nutiva".
4. Because the G.I. tract and brain are closely linked, do your best to decrease emotional stress. Emotional stress aggravates symptoms of constipation. Eat in a calm environment.
5. Make sure you consume at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day. But don't be fooled . . . some of the foods you think are high-fiber may actually be low-fiber, so be sure to make the right choices.
Last but certainly not least . . . STOP making these mistakes!
Even the most health-conscious folks are making mistakes every time they eat, that are making their digestive problems worse. To summarize the most important points for you, I've written a FREE report, called "The 5 Mistakes You're Making Every Time You Eat!"
We've briefly touched upon one or two ideas, but if you want faster constipation relief, you'll certainly want all of this information. Get your FREE copy right now by clicking here: []
Constipation ReliefNatural Digestive Health Specialist and Internal Health Specialist Dr. Christine Kaczmar, "The Digestion Doctor", helps people get their lives back from I.B.S., Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas, Bloating, Heartburn, High Cholesterol, Stiff Joints, Insomnia and more. Get "The 5 Mistakes You're Making Every Time You Eat" right now by clicking this link: []
Constipation - Why Exercise And Water Are NOT Giving You Relief - What Most Doctors Do Not Know
Examine How to Treat Constipation - Important Tips You Need to Know additional
If left untreated, constipation can cause some medical problems. If you're experiencing this, you need to learn how to treat constipation right away. Most of the time, it can be cured through natural treatments without having to go to the doctor. Below, I will discuss some of the most effective methods on how to treat constipation right at home.
First, you need to consume more fluids. The most important fluid is obviously water. Water is not only good for your overall health, but it also helps to soften up your stools so that they can pass through easier. The recommendation is at least 64 oz of water per day but I personally think you need much more than that especially if you're getting constipated.
The next step on how to treat constipation is adding to your daily fiber intake. Fiber is responsible for cleaning out your colon and intestines and also softens your stools so you can eliminate them easily. You should be getting around 20-35 grams of fiber every day. The best sources include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and raw nuts. If that isn't enough, you may elect to try a fiber supplement such as Citrucel or Metamucil.
Another very effective method on how to treat constipation is to exercise more. There have been studies that prove that people who are more active will have less constipation problems. Try and workout at least 3 times a week and do something active every day. The smallest steps can make a difference such as taking the stairs or parking further away in the parking lot. The more in-shape your body is, the more efficient it will operate and this includes your digestive system.
Lastly, don't ever ignore your body telling you it needs to relieve itself. When your body is trying to expel all of your waste and you just let it sit there, what happens is the waste will actually begin to decay within your intestines and become hard. Once the waste is hard, it becomes really tough to get rid of it and it can even start to build up on your intestinal walls leading to more problems down the road. It's very important that every time you need to go to the bathroom, you allow your body to do so. This is a tip on how to treat constipation that a lot of people don't mention.
Instant Constipation ReliefTag :
How to Treat Constipation - Important Tips You Need to Know
Understand Constipation Remedies - Selecting Between Home Treatments and Commercial Medications extra
Constipation Remedies - Selecting Between Home Treatments and Commercial Medications
Instant Constipation ReliefIf there is a health condition that many people do not wish for them to experience, that will be constipation. Every day, millions of individuals all over the world complain of hard and dry stools. The mere thought of grunting until your feces come out is not appealing at all. Luckily, there is no need for you to strain every day, especially since there are various constipation remedies readily available for you.
When you talk of constipation remedies, you have two options - home treatments and commercialized products. Both can provide you with the instant relief that you need. Constipation is very easy to deal with, let this article help you out.
Are natural home remedies effective?
Constipation can strike anytime. If you are at home and you are having a difficult time inside the bathroom, here are some of the best constipation remedies that you can rely on to:
1. Hydrate well
Dehydration is one of the main reasons why you are suffering from constipation. The body needs enough amounts of liquids to function well, and that includes the process of digestion. Water helps break down the food you take so that the body will not have a hard time digesting and converting it into energy. If you are straining to get your feces out, try to walk out of the bathroom first and load up on warm water. This is very effective. Moreover, this method works fast and will not burn a hole in your pocket.
2. Block off carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are needed by the body. They give you the energy you need to function throughout the day. However, if you are consuming a lot of items from this food group, it can cause your stools to harden. If two days has passed by and you still find yourself straining, try to consume more liquid-y food like soup or cereals. Stay away from carbohydrates until you get your proper bowel movement schedule again.
3. Have some prune juice
Based on several studies, prune juice contain high levels of "good" fiber that can help speed up the process of bowel movement. It is your choice if you will opt to eat fresh prunes or drink it as juice. Nevertheless, prunes can make you feel more comfortable and they will help facilitate proper bowel passage.
Over-the-counter drugs for constipation
On the other hand, if there are people who rely on the natural magic of home remedies, there are still individuals who will choose commercialized constipation remedies. If you think that these drugs work faster, here is a list of what you can use:
1. Suppositories
Suppositories are not just for toddlers. There are some available in the market that adults can use. Ask the pharmacy or get a prescription note from a qualified physician.
2. Laxatives
Laxatives are drugs that can increase the movement inside the rectum. This in turn will lead to smooth bowel movement.
Constipation remedies can deliver you from the agony of hard and dry stools. If you are suffering from constipation, act now to prevent other health complications.
If you are searching for constipation remedies, check out now and find helpful tips to ease your discomfort.