If left untreated, constipation can cause some medical problems. If you're experiencing this, you need to learn how to treat constipation right away. Most of the time, it can be cured through natural treatments without having to go to the doctor. Below, I will discuss some of the most effective methods on how to treat constipation right at home.
First, you need to consume more fluids. The most important fluid is obviously water. Water is not only good for your overall health, but it also helps to soften up your stools so that they can pass through easier. The recommendation is at least 64 oz of water per day but I personally think you need much more than that especially if you're getting constipated.
The next step on how to treat constipation is adding to your daily fiber intake. Fiber is responsible for cleaning out your colon and intestines and also softens your stools so you can eliminate them easily. You should be getting around 20-35 grams of fiber every day. The best sources include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and raw nuts. If that isn't enough, you may elect to try a fiber supplement such as Citrucel or Metamucil.
Another very effective method on how to treat constipation is to exercise more. There have been studies that prove that people who are more active will have less constipation problems. Try and workout at least 3 times a week and do something active every day. The smallest steps can make a difference such as taking the stairs or parking further away in the parking lot. The more in-shape your body is, the more efficient it will operate and this includes your digestive system.
Lastly, don't ever ignore your body telling you it needs to relieve itself. When your body is trying to expel all of your waste and you just let it sit there, what happens is the waste will actually begin to decay within your intestines and become hard. Once the waste is hard, it becomes really tough to get rid of it and it can even start to build up on your intestinal walls leading to more problems down the road. It's very important that every time you need to go to the bathroom, you allow your body to do so. This is a tip on how to treat constipation that a lot of people don't mention.
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