Examine Effective Ways of Relieving Constipation Pain far more

Constipation pain is caused by the difficulty of passing hard stools when experiencing irregular bowel evacuation. People get constipated when they lack fluids and fibers in their daily diet. This is also caused by lack of exercise, emotional disturbance and when undergoing medication.

How can one get relief from this discomfort?

There are home remedies that are useful in easing the pain caused by constipation. These are considered natural methods and here are some of them that you may find useful:

• Exercise regularly to help move the food faster in the bowels.
• Sesame seeds are god supplements for roughage and taking half ounce with water will soften the food in the intestine
• Pectin which is helpful in regulating acid levels in the stomach promoting good digestion is found in apple cider vinegar. Drink a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water thrice a day to ease irregular bowel movements.
• Honey is also an effective remedy as it is a natural laxative. It can be taken occasionally with black-strap molasses in equal amounts.
• Every other day you may also add 2 tablespoons of castor oil with your morning milk, this is effective when experiencing chronic bowel difficulties.
• Use of herbs like cumin powder, coriander and asafetida in your cooking helps in easy digestion of foods.
• Orange, tomato and potato juices are also effective cures.

Constipation pain and difficulty in passing stool is observed mostly in people who eat less fiber foods and drink less fluid. Are you one of these people?

Make sure you meet the daily requirement for dietary fibers which is 20 to 35 grams. Having a healthy, rich in fiber diet and drinking plenty of water will give you instant relief when constipated.

Instant Constipation Relief
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Effective Ways of Relieving Constipation Pain