Understand Constipation Remedies - Selecting Between Home Treatments and Commercial Medications extra

Constipation Remedies - Selecting Between Home Treatments and Commercial Medications

Instant Constipation Relief

If there is a health condition that many people do not wish for them to experience, that will be constipation. Every day, millions of individuals all over the world complain of hard and dry stools. The mere thought of grunting until your feces come out is not appealing at all. Luckily, there is no need for you to strain every day, especially since there are various constipation remedies readily available for you.

When you talk of constipation remedies, you have two options - home treatments and commercialized products. Both can provide you with the instant relief that you need. Constipation is very easy to deal with, let this article help you out.

Are natural home remedies effective?

Constipation can strike anytime. If you are at home and you are having a difficult time inside the bathroom, here are some of the best constipation remedies that you can rely on to:

1. Hydrate well

Dehydration is one of the main reasons why you are suffering from constipation. The body needs enough amounts of liquids to function well, and that includes the process of digestion. Water helps break down the food you take so that the body will not have a hard time digesting and converting it into energy. If you are straining to get your feces out, try to walk out of the bathroom first and load up on warm water. This is very effective. Moreover, this method works fast and will not burn a hole in your pocket.

2. Block off carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are needed by the body. They give you the energy you need to function throughout the day. However, if you are consuming a lot of items from this food group, it can cause your stools to harden. If two days has passed by and you still find yourself straining, try to consume more liquid-y food like soup or cereals. Stay away from carbohydrates until you get your proper bowel movement schedule again.

3. Have some prune juice

Based on several studies, prune juice contain high levels of "good" fiber that can help speed up the process of bowel movement. It is your choice if you will opt to eat fresh prunes or drink it as juice. Nevertheless, prunes can make you feel more comfortable and they will help facilitate proper bowel passage.

Over-the-counter drugs for constipation

On the other hand, if there are people who rely on the natural magic of home remedies, there are still individuals who will choose commercialized constipation remedies. If you think that these drugs work faster, here is a list of what you can use:

1. Suppositories

Suppositories are not just for toddlers. There are some available in the market that adults can use. Ask the pharmacy or get a prescription note from a qualified physician.

2. Laxatives

Laxatives are drugs that can increase the movement inside the rectum. This in turn will lead to smooth bowel movement.

Constipation remedies can deliver you from the agony of hard and dry stools. If you are suffering from constipation, act now to prevent other health complications.

If you are searching for constipation remedies, check out http://www.ConstipationRemediesCenter.com now and find helpful tips to ease your discomfort.