It's so frustrating! You've increased your exercise routine and water intake, but so far, it's not helping your constipation.
Why not? After all, it makes sense that exercise and water would help your digestive system move better.
But the fact is, while exercise and water are vital for overall health, they are unsuccessful as constipation-relievers for more folks than you may imagine.
Before I give you some relieving tips, and tell you how you can learn the biggest mistakes you're making when you eat, let me reveal the real problem.
What's going on?
Constipation is more than just a slow-moving digestive system. It's an issue rooted more deeply, at the cellular level.
The early stages of constipation begin when you do not chew your food thoroughly enough. When you don't chew thoroughly, your saliva doesn't interact with your food long enough to initiate carbohydrate digestion.
You see, digestion begins in the mouth, and saliva is the first step of the digestive process. When you swallow food before it's adequately chewed, you place an extra burden on your stomach and pancreas. This sets the stage for constipation, excessive gas, burping, painful bloating, and a host of other digestive complications.
There's something else happening!
There's a second reason why inadequate chewing leads to constipation- and sadly, it's a reason about which many doctors are ignorant. It has to do with hydrochloric acid production.
Once you swallow your food, your stomach receives "HCl", or Hydrochloric Acid, from your blood. It takes approximately 1 hour for your stomach to receive enough HCl. HCl is extremely acidic, and vitally necessary in the digestive process.
Once the appropriate pH level in the stomach is reached, your body can now accomplish two essential tasks:
1. Protein digestion
2. Mineral absorption
Now, here's the problem: if your digestive process is compromised, then minerals from your food are inadequately absorbed for use in the body. One of these minerals is sodium.
Why is sodium so important? Sodium is a key player in the formation of bile, a substance that allows you to move your bowels smoothly. Perhaps you have heard the term, "bile salts".
If you're not absorbing sodium, your bile will be too thick, and you'll become constipated. The thicker your bile, the worse your constipation!
So, if your stomach is already exhausted and your digestive organs are stressed because you're swallowing your food in chunks, can you be at all surprised that the production of HCl in your stomach is also faulty?
An incredible amount of your stomach's energy is wasted by cleaning up large portions of unchewed food strains. When this occurs, HCl production will be compromised, you will not properly absorb your food's minerals, you will not absorb enough sodium, your bile will be too thick, and you'll become constipated.
So, does this mean you should eat more salt? NO!
Consuming more salt in your diet is NOT the answer. The answer begins with chewing more thoroughly. Without the added burden of digesting big chunks of food, your digestive system will have a better success rate of absorbing the sodium it needs from the food you're already eating.
Your bile will be the correct thickness, and your bowels will move more regularly.
"Besides chewing better, what else can I do to get faster constipation relief?"
Start with these 5 steps:
1. Consume three servings per day of raw, organic fruits and vegetables. They must be raw! Raw produce supplies your body with digestive enzymes necessary to help digest your food.
2. Decrease your intake of red meat, chicken or turkey. Meat is devoid of fiber.
3. Ever heard of "hempseed"? It's a tremendous source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and it keeps your digestive system moving. Add a TBSP into your cereal or smoothies each day. Visit your local health food store- one of the more popular brands is "Nutiva".
4. Because the G.I. tract and brain are closely linked, do your best to decrease emotional stress. Emotional stress aggravates symptoms of constipation. Eat in a calm environment.
5. Make sure you consume at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day. But don't be fooled . . . some of the foods you think are high-fiber may actually be low-fiber, so be sure to make the right choices.
Last but certainly not least . . . STOP making these mistakes!
Even the most health-conscious folks are making mistakes every time they eat, that are making their digestive problems worse. To summarize the most important points for you, I've written a FREE report, called "The 5 Mistakes You're Making Every Time You Eat!"
We've briefly touched upon one or two ideas, but if you want faster constipation relief, you'll certainly want all of this information. Get your FREE copy right now by clicking here: []
Constipation ReliefNatural Digestive Health Specialist and Internal Health Specialist Dr. Christine Kaczmar, "The Digestion Doctor", helps people get their lives back from I.B.S., Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas, Bloating, Heartburn, High Cholesterol, Stiff Joints, Insomnia and more. Get "The 5 Mistakes You're Making Every Time You Eat" right now by clicking this link: []